Technical Information for Generators Above 10kW

Before completing the final application form below, please ensure you're aware of the technical information requirements for generators above 10kW.

Generators Above 10kW

Final Application to Connect Distributed Generation Above 10kW

This form complies with the Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010, Part 6 (Connection of Distributed Generation) and constitutes a final application for connection in accordance with Clause 11, Part 2, Schedule 6.1.

Any approved connection shall comply with WEL's connection and operation policies and the terms will be negotiated with WEL prior to connection.

Applicant Details
Electrician Details
Installation Details
New or existing DG connection *
Type of installation *
Technical Details
Type *
Number of phases *
(provide circuit breaker details)
Proposed injection *
Examples include; single line diagrams, generation profiles, technical details for generators or inverters.
If inverter connected - does system comply with AS/NZS4777.2:2020 and AS/NZS4777.1:2016?
Battery Storage
Will there be any battery storage? *
Number of batteries *
Declaration & Acceptance

I hereby apply to connect a Distributed Generator to the WEL network and have read and understood the requirements of WEL's Network Connection Standard and the Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010, Part 6. I understand that generators with large machines may be subject to the Transpower connection code and central dispatch. Where this applies, any information supplied to WEL Networks by the generator will be passed on to Transpower. It will be the responsibility of the generator to provide the appropriate information to WEL Networks.