Where does WEL place its focus during a storm?

Our first priority is to ensure the safety of our staff and communities and then to restore power to as many people as we possibly can. We do this by fixing high voltage faults affecting the largest number of customers first and work our way down the list to individual outages.

What about Private Service Lines?  

If the storm has caused damage to your private service line (which is owned by the property owner), you are responsible for organising repairs as soon as possible by contacting one of the approved service providers below.

Note: Please treat all downed lines as live and stay well clear. For your safety, only qualified professionals can carry out work on or near your private service lines. Please do not undertake this work yourself.

  • Private Powerline Services - Dave Robertson 0277764255
  • Newstead Electrical – Jo Coombes 0273309426
  • Nationwired - Alan Hickey 021553210
  • Unreel Power - Steve Day 0274925734
  • DD Electrical & Inspections - Dave Davenport 0274909000
  • NPE-Tech Waikato – 07 856 2431